How do you decide who to follow on Twitter? A quick glance through my Twitter feed offers an eclectic mix of other writers (of all genres), journalists, parent bloggers, beauty bloggers (my guilty pleasure), police forces, bookshops, publishing types, and Real Life Friends (yes, I have some). I asked some of my crime-writing buddies to […]
Caught in the Act
There are few people who don’t admit to doing a spot of people-watching from time to time, and for a writer such an activity is positively compulsory. It might seem a luxury to relax in a cafe or on a park bench watching the world go by, but I can assure you it’s serious business, […]
How books are made
Last week I went to Clays in Suffolk to find out how books are made, and to watch the paperback of I Let You Go being printed. It was a fascinating and incredibly emotional day, and if you are an author and ever have the chance to see your book being made, I’d wholeheartedly recommend […]
Halloween: bah humbug
Everywhere I look there are ghouls, zombies and pumpkin paraphernalia: the children are positively beside themselves with excitement. Dressing up is second only to eating sweets on their list of Things We Enjoy, which makes Halloween a veritable Mecca. There’s just one tiny problem. I hate it. I’m fairly ambivalent about the fancy dress element […]
A Misunderstanding at the Pharmacy
Over the last few years I have accumulated quite a cache of drugs. Nothing wildly out of the ordinary, just an array of prescription painkillers with a sprinkling of sleeping tablets thrown in for good measure. Most of the packets were out of date and several were untouched so I thought it wise to get […]
Imagine you had a son who died. I know – you don’t want to. Of course you don’t. Why would you? But walk in my shoes, just for a moment. Imagine your son died. Imagine that the days and weeks which followed were marked by rising panic which choked the words in your throat until […]